Upgrading and Expanding VoL Magazine


1. Title of the Project: Upgrading and Expanding VoL Magazine

2. Background and Justification

PRO Leadership’s motto is ‘promoting leadership and producing leaders’. One of the ways to promote the true meaning of leadership and produce great leaders is using a publication outlet that empowers leaders. Accordingly, we decided to launch an online magazine called Voice of Leadership (VoL).

This long journey just began. We used our in-house resources and networks to produce the first edition. What is encouraging is that, in its first edition, VoL attracted seven great contributors. The magazine was filled with great insights, stories, and tips about mentoring. We have sent out emails to notify partners and people who signed up to receive the magazine.

However, we need to outreach and benefit thousands of leaders using this magazine. To achieve this expansion, we need to upgrade its standard by having professional editors who maintain its qualities and relevance so as it may attract and retain thousands of leaders and prospective leaders.  We would also like to continue to produce this magazine monthly and without interruption. These upgrades and expansions require both human and financial resources, and that is why we have come up with this project proposal seeking your help.

3. Goal

Our goal is to reach up to 10.000 subscribers worldwide within three years. We have already taken some steps to achieve this goal. We are using an email marketing company, and the process of reaching out leaders has already started first from our partners and supporters but this effort will continue until we reach our goal.

 4. Duration

Voice of Leadership (VoL) may start as a quarterly Magazine but it will soon upgrade into once per month circulation.

5. Format and style

Each edition covers one theme at a time. There will be an editorial plus:

  • Articles,
  • Stories,
  • Interviews and
  • More.

6. Needs

As it is true for any project of this magnitude, we need both human and financial resources, and the following are the main resources we need at this stage:

6.1. One Chief Editor (Manager).

His/Her main duties are:

6.1.1. Designing and formatting the magazine

6.1.2. Identifying relevant theme for each edition

6.1.3. Inviting contributors

6.1.4. Reviewing all contents to maintain quality and also make sure that the contents are aligned with PRO Leadership’s tax exempt mission

6.2. One Editor (Assistant Editor/Manager)

His/Her main duties are:

6.2.1. Gathering contributions and make sure they have met requirements such as word count and so on

6.2.2. Making sure the contributions are spelling and grammatical error free

6.3.3. Participating in attracting contributors and promoting the magazine

6.3. Incentives

We should give reasonable incentives for contributors so that we may keep getting quality articles, stories, and interviews continually.


  • You can sponsor the whole project or cover a portion of the cost for one year or one edition.
  • You can also volunteer to support in the production, marketing, and distributing the online magazine so that we may reach our goal the sooner.
  • If you need further detail about the project or if you may have any suggestions, please contact us.