PRO Leadership’s Mentoring the Mentors Workshop

1. Title of the Project: PRO Leadership’s Mentoring the Mentors Workshop

2. Background and Justification

Mentoring is one of the centerpieces of PRO Leadership’s mission statement, which is, “To inspire, train, and mentor leaders who cannot access or afford formal leadership development resources and programs”. PRO Leadership has been mentoring leaders since its establishment on October 20, 2009, and we have graduates from our two mentoring programs: Bronze, and Silver Mentoring Programs. We have also dedicated the first edition of our Magazine solely for this theme.

What we have learned in the past three years that there is a great need for mentoring. However, we finally realized that we cannot reach as many leaders as we anticipated originally if we only use a one-on-one mentoring approach. The best option we figured out is mentoring the mentors and send them back to mentor the people under their influence and even more enable them to raise other mentors within their team.

We believe that we have enough resources, personnel, and experience to take our mentoring effort to the next level. That next level is to empower leaders of small organizations with insights, skills, and methods to mentor the people under their influence.  This way, we could be able to raise (mentor) mentors so that we can reach as many mentees as possible.

However, this kind of sacred effort demands resources, which PRO Leadership doesn’t have at this stage. We would like to get your support to realize this goal.

3. Goals: 

3.1. Short term Goal (one day workshop): To arrange a one-day workshop to empower mentors from diverse organizations from the DC Metro area.

3.2. Long term Goal (multitudes of workshops nationally and globally): To arrange workshops and empower up to 3, 000 mentors worldwide in the coming three years.

4. Beneficiaries from the short term goal:

Up to 30 – 60 leaders of small businesses, community organizations, associations, churches, and youth groups could be able to benefit from this one day workshop.

5. Duration: One day workshop

6. Needs:

Here are some of the requirements:

  • Four Trainers
  • A conference room that can hold up to 60 participants
  • Lunch and refreshments for participants
  • Materials such as sound system, projector, flip chart, folders, pens, papers, worksheet…


  • You can sponsor the whole project or cover a portion of the cost.
  • You can also volunteer to support us prepare, promote, and organize the event.
  • If you need further detail about the project or if you may have any suggestions, please contact us.