Seminar- The Nine Cardinal Building Blocks

1. Title of the Seminar: The Nine Cardinal Building Blocks: Developing the fundamental leadership attributes for continued success in leadership

2. Background and Justification

Successful and effective leadership is directly related to developing certain fundamental leadership attributes.  However, for many leaders, recognizing these attributes and their critical roles for continued success in leadership takes years, if not decades. The most common trend is, leaders pick one attribute here, and another there, and finally they realize that some of the leadership attributes they have acquired recently should have been developed long time ago. They come to understand that their leadership would have been so much better if they knew and have been developing these attributes since the start of their leadership journey. They also realize that they have paid dare prices because of lack of these cardinal building blocks.

In the past one year, the author of Redefining Leadership has been working on a workbook that focuses on the nine building blocks. The workbook and the follow up seminar are parts of his final thesis to earn Doctor of Strategic Leadership. He would like to use this opportunity to invite leaders from diverse industries so that they may benefit from the seminar. This seminar emphasizes the importance of the nine leadership building blocks that are critical for continued success in leadership. Participants will have a chance to carryout reality checks for each block, understand the importance of each attribute, and also learn on how to develop, refine, and measure each building block. There are also individual and group assignments, an opportunity to write self realizations and action plans at the end of each building blocks. It is important for both seasoned and novice leaders.

3. Goal: To emphasize the importance of developing and continually refining the nine cardinal building blocks for continued success in leadership.

4. Duration:

One-day seminar

5. Beneficiaries:

Both seasoned and novice leaders from diverse organizations in the DC metro area.

6. Requirements and needs:

We are planning to invite 30 – 60 leaders from diverse organizations in the DC Metro area. Therefore, we need you to support us for the following expenses:

6.1. Conference hall that can hold up to 60 people

6.2. Sound system, flip charts, and projector

6.3. Lunch for participants

6.4. Two times coffee and refreshments for participants

6.5. Printing and binding the workbook for all participants


  • You can sponsor the whole project or cover a portion of the cost.
  • If you have a conference hall equipped with the necessary sound and audiovisual equipment, we would love to conduct the seminar there.
  • You can also volunteer to support us prepare, promote, and organize the event.
  • If you need further detail about the project or if you may have any suggestions, please contact us.